Bringing more values into healthcare by providing Medical Devices, Pharmaceuticals and consultation Services

In a complex healthcare world, a world demands to deliver cost-effective and patient-focused solutions. 


We provide medical supplies and consultation services to Healthcare providers across the world

Via ESNA CARE, an authorized wholesale, we act as a one-stop-shop to trade, import and export, both branded and generic medicines for human use around the world. We provide prescription and OTC pharmaceuticals of all major manufacturers to wholesalers and distributors.

Via our consulting services, we support you to define strategical directions, specific unmet needs and unique value propositions for your solutions. ESNA HEALTHCARE is excited to listen to your specific needs, help you to setup your goals and scale-up your business.

If you are interested in our products and/or services, please contact us via e-mail. We will get back to you as soon as possible


Healthcare Forecast

Continuous rise of total healthcare cost and increasing burden of chronic diseases.

US $ Trillion
Global healthcare expenditure by 2020
Healthcare continue to rise. How can you provide an affordable solution for your potential customers.

US $ Trillion
Rising chronic diseases cost by 2020
By 2020, 50% of global healthcare expenditures will be spent on three leading causes of death: cardiovascular diseases, cancer and respiratory diseases.

1. Spending on health factsheet WHO
2. Top 10 causes of disease WHO
3. Global life expectancy reaches new heights. National Institute of Aging, 2016 WHO
4. Disability and health 2018, Factsheet WHO


Rising aging population
From 559 million in 2015 to 604 millions in 2020.


Increasing disability
How can you reform your service to address these barriers?

Today’s Demands

With the current dynamic changes of regulations and rules of clinical professionals, there is an increasing demand to provide a value-based healthcare and improve outcome. Healthcare providers continue to focus on patient satisfaction and cost reduction with the help of technical innovations.



How can you provide more personalized healthcare?



How can you add value and enhance patient’s outcome?

Cope with rising

Healthcare cost

How can your solution offer an afordabele healthcare?

@ 2023 | ESNA HEALTHCARE B.V. (KVK 74103830) | ESNA CARE B.V. (KVK 78518563) | Adriaen van Ostadelaan 165-4 | Utrecht | The Netherlands |